Pruning in Fraser Valley

If you’re a homeowner in the Fraser Valley you know our mild climate allows plants to grow for much of the year compared to the rest of Canada. This can mean that pruning is almost a year-round task to keep plants healthy, vigorous, and looking their best. Here are some tips on what to prune when in Fraser Valley’s unique climate.

Early Spring (March-April)

As the weather starts to warm up in early spring, take advantage of the nice weather by pruning many trees, shrubs, and vines that bloom in summer. Prune these plants in late winter or earliest spring before buds break.


Prune these early bloomers in March before new growth appears. Remove dead wood and prune to shape.

Clematis Vines

Prune clematis that bloom in summer now before their buds break.

Fruit Trees

Prune fruit trees like apples, plums, and cherries in March before buds open.

Evergreen Hedges

Prune evergreen hedges like cedar in early spring before any new growth emerges.

Late Spring (May-June)

Many blooming trees and shrubs should be pruned right after their flowering period in late spring.


Prune rhododendrons and other spring blooming shrubs just after blooms fade.


Prune these fragrant bloomers right after their flowers are finished.


Don’t prune too late after blooming or you’ll remove next year’s buds.



Summer (July-August)

With our (relatively) cooler summers, many plants keep growing vigorously. Stay on top of pruning these hedges, trees, and shrubs that may have gotten shaggy as the summer progresses.


Prune pines, cedars, and other conifers in summer to shape them.


Shear blooming hedges like laurel after their flowers finish.


Prune trees like Japanese maples in summer after spring growth slows.

Fall and Winter

Many plants will keep growing in mid-fall and early winter. Continue shaping trees and pruning shrubs until plants go fully dormant.

Broad-Leaf Evergreens

Prune rhododendrons, camellias, and fall-blooming plants now.

Fruit Trees

Prune fruiting trees and shrubs like blueberries again in late fall.


Prune roses in late fall or winter for better blooms next year.


Be Vigilant for Winter Damage

Arguably the largest pruning challenge in Fraser Valley is our potential for winter cold snaps and frosts. Always prune off cold-damaged wood as soon as you see it in late winter and early spring before new growth emerges. Late frosts can also damage fresh growth, so be prepared to prune off frost-nipped ends of branches.

With our amazing climate most trees and shrubs in Vancouver never go fully dormant over winter. So keep an eye out year-round and grab those pruners frequently to keep your plants healthy, vigorous, and looking tidy no matter what the season. Proper pruning allows plants to put more energy into blooms, fruits, and lush new growth.

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